by Evgenia Ermilova
School of Sculpture Painting by Evgenia Ermilova
is a limited-access VIP CLUB
- This course is suitable for absolute beginners as well as experienced learners and makes you professionals
- Start of classes is on March 1, 2025
- Only 50 students will be admitted in this batch!
What can you make with sculpture painting?
you don't need to be able to draw to do this
- Our club is an ecosystem in which you learn sculptural painting using a unique technique developed by Evgenia Ermilova, tested on more than 5,000 students from all over the World
- You study under the personal guidance of Evgenia Ermilova, completing practical homework assignments based on detailed video tutorials
- Evgenia Ermilova personally checks each homework, points out mistakes, gives advice and recommendations. Thanks to this system, we guarantee successful training in creating three-dimensional images in the technique of sculptural painting.
- You will not stew in your own juice, but you will be able to share your creative successes, experiences, impressions, get support and feedback in the community of like-minded people in the private Telegram group
- Opportunity to become a Certified teacher of sculptural painting at Evgenia Ermilova™ international school and start earning up to $1500 per month by teaching other people.
Why did I create this course?
unique training syStem, that has proved its efficiency with more than 5000 students all over the world.
I have a dream: for sculptural painting to become as famous as painting, decoupage, modeling, sculpture, so that every person on Earth knows about the existence of such a technique.
We believe that beauty, art, creativity will save the world. When we feel bad, we seek salvation in a change of activity. And creativity, often, helps to find oneself, the meaning of life, purpose and necessary rest.
Creating new things and realizing that we can control at least something in our lives, we feel a little better.
And I want sculptural painting to help people around the World feel a little better.
🌹If you agree and want to change your life and the World as a whole for the better, join us.
🌹If you want to help other people find a new life through creativity - join.
🌹 If you want to prove to yourself and others that you are worth something - I'm waiting for you.
❗️ It doesn't matter who you are and at what stage of the path you are - a beginner who has never held a palette knife in his hands, or want to reach a new level in creativity, If you share my values, come!
On March 1, 2025, we start training for the next stream at the International School of Sculpture Painting by Evgenia Ermilova.
You can reserve your spot now!
Artist Evgenia Ermilova
Author of Sculpture Painting technique and Founder of the International Sculpture Painting School
- Evgenia Ermilova is a professional artist-colourist with academic art education.
- Evgenia Ermilova is the author of the technique of sculptural painting - the original technique of making volumetric flowers from special plaster with pallet knives;
- Evgenia is a professional art coach. She has trained more than 5000 artists from different countries from 2018;
- Evgenia sells her paintings in international online galleries. Artwork prices reach $ 3,000
- Evgenia is a member of the international union of artists - "Eurasian Art Union" - which unites artists from all over Eurasia. Only a high-class professional artist can become a member of this art union.
- Evgenia is the owner of Evgenia Ermilova™, a trademark of materials for artists. Our brand materials exported to more than 20 countries worldwide.

Some of Evgenia's paintings
Evgenia is a world-renowned artist. She sells paintings in international online galleries. Prices for paintings reach $3000
Take up a new creative profession or hobby. Even if you can't draw at all. 90% of our students start selling paintings at a price of 6,000 Rs while still studying on the course. Sculptural painting is a perfect art therapy for stress and emotional burnout
Master a trendy, impressive art form and use your knowledge for commercial purposes. The cost of paintings in the new and popular technique Sculptural painting is from $ 150. You can create paintings and sell them through Instagram or online galleries
Create unique interior items. Paintings and wall panels, clocks, jewelry boxes, furniture, ceramics and metal work, creation of any art objects, volumetric wall decor. Sculptural painting technique is applicable to any style of interior: Provence, loft, modern, high-tech...
Earn from 100,000 Rs a month by giving master classes in this trendy art technique. The average cost of a master class in sculptural painting is 5,000 Rs for one person. We will teach the technique of teaching a group of 5 to 15 people at the same time. Earn money on master classes in sculptural painting for adults and children.
Improve your skills in sculptural painting. Become a top-class professional. Evgenia Ermilova is the author of the technique of sculptural painting and a world-renowned guru, a certified artist-colorist. 9 years of art education, 7 years of technique improvement, 5 years of experience in conducting master classes in different countries, more than 5000 students trained
Maximize profits of your studio, fill the schedule even on weekdays, by teaching a new fashionable art technique. Decoupage, oil painting, sketching do not work? Is the studio only busy on weekends? Let your teachers learn sculpture painting, and start running adult and children's groups at any time
How is the learning process
On the course "VIP Club. Sculptural painting"
- After payment, you will receive an automatic email with access to the educational platform. Training can be taken on the website or in the Getcourse mobile app.
- Lessons are ordered from simple to complex and represent a holistic learning system that guarantees a positive result. Lessons can only be taken in the prescribed order, since without fully understanding the material of the previous lesson, it is impossible to achieve positive results in the next. The lessons contain detailed videos, texts, diagrams, life hacks, and analysis of mistakes.
- At the end of each practical lesson there is a mandatory homework assignment, without which it is impossible to get access to the next lesson for a "good" or "excellent" grade. You need not just to watch the video, but to make an actual artwork according to the topic of the lesson, take a photo or video of the result, post it on Google drive and send us a link.
- Homework is personally checked by Evgenia Ermilova. We do not have hired curators. This way we guarantee that the learning outcome will be positive.
Watch in this video how Evgenia checks the homework of the students of the first stream. An "excellent" rating means that the homework has been completed and the student has access to the next lesson. If a student makes mistakes in completing homework, it must be repeated. Only after Eugenia marks "Excellent" for homework, access to the next lesson will be opened.
- You can watch the lessons at your own pace at any convenient time, on any device connected to the Internet. The speed of the course is up to you. For more information about the terms of the course, see the detailed description of the tariffs.
- After the main program of the course, in which you study sculptural painting, you will have a large practical block, in which you will be engaged in the creation of complex works of art under the personal supervision of Evgenia. This will give you the opportunity to create absolutely any volumetric images using the "sculptural painting" technique, you will also learn how to create jewelry from texture paste, conduct master classes for children and adults.
- In the club chat in Telegram, you can discuss any problems and ask questions to Evgenia and other students, including more experienced students of the first stream. Technical support specialists are on duty in the online chat daily and will be happy to provide you with any assistance in case of any difficulties..
- After the end of each module, the main group of students, Evgenia will hold a closed live webinar, where she will analyze the main mistakes of students and correct them, as well as answer questions live
15 LESSONS ON arist's self-promotion, MARKETING, sales AND TEACHING

Module 1. Getting Started
4 lessons
You will get theoretical knowledge, necesary to start the work

9 lessons
Surface decorating, use of various techniques. Backgrounds, embossed ornaments, stencil work
As a result, you will learn how to draw freehand monochrome and color volumetric ornaments with Reliefka paste, how to work with a stencil, master 7 different ways to decorate backgrounds, including how to imitate a wooden and concrete surface with acrylic pastes.
This is what you will do in the module "ORNAMENTS AND BACKGROUNDS"

8 lessons
We study the basic elements and techniques used in sculptural painting.
You will study in as much detail as possible all the basic techniques of sculptural painting, without knowledge and understanding of which it is impossible to create a beautiful and neat three-dimensional image. We will also analyze the possible mistakes that beginners make when working.

4 lessons
We study flowers with simple structure, such as chamomile, hydrangea (hortensia), clematis, rosehip.
As a result, you will learn how to create the simplest flowers and work out various balosa elements of the "sculptural painting" technique on them.

Module 5. FLOWERS
12 Lessons
We study flowers:
Poppy, Iris, Magnolia, Orchid, Lotus, Bird on an apple tree, Ranunculus, Peony, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Hybrid tea rose, Tree peony
As a result, you will master the technique of creating three-dimensional flowers, practice all the basic techniques of sculptural painting, create 12 ready-made panels 30x30 cm with the following flowers: Poppy, Iris, Magnolia, Orchid, Lotus, Bird on an apple tree, Ranunculus, Peony, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Hybrid tea rose, tree peony. All vehicle changes since 2018 have been added. Not a single lesson repeats the 2018 course.
Panels 30 by 30 cm that you will create as homework for this module:

6 lessons
Varnishing, processing of the back side, attaching suspensions, photographing the finished work, packaging and shipping to the buyer.

Making author's jewelry from textured acrylic paste using the "sculptural painting" technique. We will create a ring, brooch and earrings with flowers using the technique of sculptural painting

Module 8. Practice. We create complex works of art and art objects. Becoming a professional artist under the guidance of Evgenia Ermilova
You will work individually with Evgenia Ermilova, who will give you personal tasks to create art objects. All communication will be carried out through personal correspondence in Telegram. Evgenia will be able to answer any questions about the technique of sculptural painting, and will personally interact with you at all stages of performing practical tasks.
As a result of this module, you will create at least four unique paintings and one piece of furniture under the personal supervision of Evgenia Ermilova.
In a short time, under the personal guidance of a famous artist, you will master the knowledge that students of art universities spend at least 5 years studying!
So, what are we going to do in practical classes:
◾️1. Intuitive creation of a flower of any shape and angle. We will learn how to create flowers not according to the scheme, but to act intuitively, on our own, we will understand the principle of how to create any flower from a photograph. As a result, we will create a picture with unique colors from a randomly selected photo.
◾️2. Intuitive work with color. We will independently select a color palette for the future picture, work out the creation of harmonious color combinations, learn how to select material for the range we need. We will create an exclusive panel with a unique color scheme.
◾️3. Create a painting with a complex composition consisting of several three-dimensional elements (flowers, birds, butterflies, etc.). In this practical task, we will work out the skills of arranging different elements in the picture, in fact, having mastered the composition at a professional level.
◾️ Create a unique interior decor item, for example, a wall clock, with decor using the "Sculptural Painting" technique and all the knowledge gained

Module 9. Artist's Certification
◾️Get valuable knowledge on promoting, photographing, determining the cost of work.
◾️ Find out how to deliver your artworks to local and foreign clients
◾️ Create a professional artist profile under our guidance on your chosen social network or online gallery.
◾️Final examination project. You will receive an actual client's order to create a complex work (painting or other object) for any real-life interior and will create it under Evgenia's control. Then, you will independently take high-quality photographs of the work, choose a title, write a description for social media or online galleries. Correctly determine the cost of your work. Publish it in the selected social media or online gallery. You will present your project in the Telegram group in the mastermind format. This will give you the opportunity to feel like a real artist who has been commissioned to work, teach you how to work with a customer and deal with criticism.
This module is designed for up to several months of hard work together with Evgenia. You communicate with her not within the training platform, but in person in messengers.

Do you want to teach others? Learn how to teach sculpture painting to adults and children. Master the system of conducting master classes for groups of up to 15 people, which Evgenia Ermilova personally developed, implemented and proved effective at numerous master classes in Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, India, Indonesia, Estonia, Germany.
The content of the module is available to everyone who has purchased the Full Program but it is not obligatory. It is for you only if you are serious about working in this field, want to become a Certified Teacher, and a partner of our School and earn money on teaching sculptural painting. Evgenia will work with you personally, preparing you for a master class. You will also have a personal mentorship by a certified sales expert, the Head of the Sales Department of our School - Daria Makarova, whose task is to help you find your first students and achieve commercial success in this field. Our task is not just to teach you, but to make you start earning on your favorite hobby.
Become a certified teacher
If you have perfectly completed the learning full program and have passed the final examination, you get the opportunity to become a Certified Teacher of Evgenia Ermilova's School.
This title speaks of your highest professionalism in sculptural painting, as well as the fact that you can teach others this art at offline master classes using our brand and giving your students certificates of Evgenia Ermilova's School.
This certificate guarantees that clients will prefer you to other teachers.
We will help you with marketing and development, as well as involve you in our online projects.
Our Certified teachers must use only the materials of Evgenia Ermilova TM

Master the technique
Anyone can learn a new technique of 3-d painting - Sculptural Painting - no drawing or painting skills are required.
Create your first artworks
You will be able to create more than 10 finished paintings, already while learning, and sell your paintings, or make chic gifts to family and friends.
Get income from your art
You will become a professional and will create and sell paintings, wall panels or other exclusive interior items/
Learn to present and sell your artworks
I will teach you how to properly present your work in social media, where to start and how to sell art in the modern world.
Why can we guarantee high quality education?
Evgenia Ermilova is not only a professional certified artist-colorist, but also an internationally renowned art coach who uses the principles and technologies of the Russian Academic School of Art Education in her work.
Russia is known for its traditions of academic art education, which has been brought to perfection. In fact, in every district of any city and even a village in a rural area, there is a state art school in which children study art in addition with general education. The best graduates of art schools continue their studies at state art universities. Thus, objectively, the Russian system of art education is the best in the world.

Evgenia Ermilova in her studio
Evgenia studied fine arts at the best art Universities in Russia for more than 9 years, and then, having already started collaborating with international online galleries, she began to teach sculptural painting. At first, education took place only in the form of live master classes, which were heldin Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, Germany, Estonia, then she switched to an online format. Evgenia trained more than 2,000 people in total. Thus, she acquired a great experience in teaching art.
We have combined all the best practices of the Russian Classical Higher School of Art Education and international teaching experience in our school, that's why it is a VIP educational solution. We use all the best technologies in our course. That's why we guarantee the high quality of education.
We are an international art school teaching students all over the world. Our students live in USA, India, Russia, UAE, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, China, European Union, Brasil, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and other countries. Our mission is to give our students the best and most effective art education, as well as to unite people from different countries with a common desire to create beauty.
Since we are an international school, main language of instruction is English but we also provide lessons in Russian, Bahasa, German, Farsi.
We only accept US dollars as the payment currency. Payment is possible by bank card, as well as PayPal. After you send us an order for the course, a manager will contact you for a detailed consultation and provide you with a payment link for payment.
Secure bank cards payment solutions are provided by the KnowPerfectly payment systems, UAE
Sculpture painting education in our school
- International VIP Sculpture painting course in English
- International Basic sculpture painting course in English
- VIP Sculpture painting course for USA
- Basic sculpture painting course for USA
- VIP Sculpture painting course for India
- Basic sculpture painting course for India
- Basic sculpture painting course for Indonesia
Artist Evgenia Ermilova and sculpture painting
Official partners
Of International Sculpture Painting School and Evgenia Ermilova™ art materials distributors
The start of the next stream is on March 1, 2025
Only 50 students will be admitted
before the start of the course
Subscribe for 30 days
$ 115
- A chance to try the course without paying a full amount at once
- You can freeze access for 1-3 months, if you need a break**
- Monthly payment without having to apply for a bank loan
- You can cancel your subscription at any time
- Once you finish the Main Program lessons, you have a lifetime access to them
- Private Telegram Group for students, where you can communicate with other students and our team, get feedback and support
- We extend your subscription for the time of delivery, if you buy the materials from our online store.
- Certificate of education from a licensed educational institution
- If you don't pay for the next month and don't use Freeze, the course starts from the beginning
- There are pauses between the lessons. The program is designed for minimum 6 months. It may take you longer to finish the program.
- Lessons of the Full program are not included!
Main Program
$ 540
- Lifetime access to the lessons of the Main Program.
- Homework check and guidance by Evgenia Ermilova
- The next lessons open without a pause, immediately after the teacher accepts your homework for the previous one
- Private Telegram Group for students, where you can communicate with other students and our team, get feedback and support
- Certificate of education from a licensed educational institution
- You miss the unique opportunity to work under the individual guidance of Evgenia Ermilova in the module "Practice", that can make you a professional artist.
- You cannot access Moduls "Fine Jewelry" and "How to teach Sculpture Painting"
- You don't get a Teacher's certificate
Full Program
- Lifetime access to all the lessons
- Unique opportunity to work under the individual guidance of Evgenia Ermilova in the module "Practice", that can make you a professional artist.
- Homework check and guidance by Evgenia Ermilova
- The next lessons open without a pause, immediately after the teacher accepts your homework for the previous one
- Private Telegram Group for students, where you can communicate with other students and our team, get feedback and support
- Certificate of education from a licensed educational institution
- Opportunity to get a Teacher's certificate that confirms your highest competence in Sculpture Painting and gives you a 30% discount for our materials and makes you a partner of our School.
- You get a guidance on organizing your own courses in Sculpture Painting and other commercial activities by our certified sales expert (to our potential Partners and certified teachers).
You can also try other educational products
From Evgenia Ermilova International School
Begginers sculpture painting course 2018

Sculpture painting course for beginners, written in 2018. There are eight modules in the course - the basics of sculptural painting, simple flowers, poppy, iris, orchid, rose, peony, creating clocks in the technique of sculptural painting. The program of this course is much less intense, so it is suitable for you if you want to learn the basic principles of sculptural painting for a hobby. Both a monthly plan and a full plan are available. You can also purchase some course modules separately.
From $39

This course is for those who want to try their hand at sculptural painting.
In this mini-course, consisting of simple video tutorials, you will learn everything about materials and tools, as well as make a small panel with Chamomile flowers, which is shown in the photo.
Swipe to see more
made during studies at our online course
Are you already interested but not sure?
See long video about the Club course
We provide you with a unique opportunity to view a recording of Evgenia's webinar on how education is organized in our school.
about THE CLUB
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You can access the courses by going to the closed educational system.
© Evgenia Ermilova™ 2024. All rights reserved.
Evgenia Ermilova International Online Sculpture Painting School
Official International payment agent:
© DESTE FZ-LLC Building no. A4, Al Hamra industrial free zone, P.O Box 10 055, Ras Alkhaimah, 10 055, UAE