Official sculptural painting online education in India
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  • Evgenia Ermilova is a professional artist-colourist with academic art education.

  • Evgenia Ermilova is the author of the technique of sculptural painting - the author's technique for making volumetric flowers from pallet knives and special plaster;

  • Evgenia is a professional art coach. For five years, she has trained more than 2000 artists from different countries;

  • Evgenia sells her paintings in international online galleries. Artwork prices reach $ 5,000

  • Evgenia is the owner of Evgenia Ermilova™, a trademark of materials for artists. Our brand materials are produced in Russia and exported to more than 20 countries worldwide.
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<p>Homeworks check by Evgenia Ermilova	</p>

Homeworks check by Evgenia Ermilova

Mandatory homework check

Our online course is not just a lecture with a demonstration of how to make flowers from plaster. It is a rigorous and holistic system tested with over 2,000 students worldwide since 2018.

The consistency in teaching gives the excellent result that our students receive after completing the course. We can guarantee that even if you do not know how to draw, you will be able to make 5 panels with volumetric flowers from decorative plaster and 1 wall clock at the end of the course.

This system is based on the required homework assignments that you receive after watching each video tutorial. The teacher checks homework, and if you have not done your homework or done it poorly, you will not get access to the next lesson. You will redo your assignment until you achieve the correct execution.

		<p>Lesson 1. The basics of sculptural painting</p>

Lesson 1. The basics of sculptural painting

Lesson 1. The basics of sculptural painting

This is the most important lesson in the entire course. On it, you will learn 4 basic secret techniques of sculptural painting, which will allow you to create volumetric elements from plaster or pastry cream up to 7 centimetres high.

You will master the techniques of working with colour and learn all about the materials and tools that are used in the work.

Without this lesson, further learning is pointless.

Most of the teachers do not give this classified information. Only in our course reveal the secret of the foundations of sculptural painting.


				<p>Lesson 2. Simple flower</p>

Lesson 2. Simple flower

Lesson 2. Simple flower

In this lesson, we will learn how to create simple flowers using the techniques learned in the previous tutorial.

We will create a simple flower top view.

You can see what you get in the end in the photo on the left.

						<p>Result of the Lesson 3. Iris flowers panel</p>

Result of the Lesson 3. Iris flowers panel

Lesson 3. Iris flower

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create iris flowers and buds using the techniques learned in previous tutorials.

Let's create a cool panel with volumetric irises.

You can see the result in the photo on the left. This will be your first completed sculptural painting panel.

Very often, our students sell these works as soon as they publish them on their Instagram or Facebook. The cost of these works reaches 5000 Rupees. Those. after reaching this module you can already start purchasing the course!


								<p>Result of the Lesson 4. Poppy flowers panel</p>

Result of the Lesson 4. Poppy flowers panel

Lesson 4. Poppy flower

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create poppy flowers and buds using the techniques learned in previous tutorials.

Let's create a panel with a volumetric poppy flower.

You can see the result in the photo on the left. 


										<p>Result of the Lesson 5. Orchid flower panel</p>

Result of the Lesson 5. Orchid flower panel

Lesson 5. Orchid flower

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create orchid flowers and buds using the techniques learned in previous tutorials.

Let's create a beautiful panel with volumetric orchids.

You can see the result in the photo on the left. 

Very often, our students sell these works as soon as they publish them on their Instagram or Facebook. The cost of these works reaches 5000 Indian Rupees. Those. after reaching this module you can already start purchasing the course!


												<p>Result of the Lesson 6.  Rose flower panel</p>

Result of the Lesson 6.  Rose flower panel

Lesson 6. Rose flower

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create rose flowers and buds using the techniques learned in previous tutorials.

Let's create a beautiful panel with volumetric roses.

You can see the result in the photo on the left. 

														<p>Result of the Lesson 7. Peony flower panel</p>

Result of the Lesson 7. Peony flower panel

Lesson 7. Peony flower

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create peony flowers and buds using the techniques learned in previous tutorials.

Let's create a beautiful panel with volumetric peonies.

You can see the result in the photo on the left. 


														<p>Result of the Lesson 8.  Ready wall clock</p>

Result of the Lesson 8.  Ready wall clock

Lesson 8.  Ready Wall Clock

In this lesson, we will combine all the techniques and secrets learned, and create a completely finished wall clock, decorated with 6 different techniques.

We will also learn another way to create a volumetric rose from plaster.

At the bottom of this page, you can see great examples of the work that our students create right on the course.

Course Completion Certificate

After graduation, you will receive an official certificate that you have completed a course in sculpture painting at the international school of Evgenia Ermilova.

This will give you the right to call yourself a Certified Sculptural Artist. 

Also, after receiving a diploma of completion of the course, you can start the training procedure for the title of Certified Teacher in Sculptural Painting by Evgenia Ermilova

We can also provide you with an official letter signed and stamped by Evgenia stating that you studied on the course and received a certificate. This letter is provided only upon an official request from your company or the educational institution you learn or plan to enrol in.

Suppose you need official documents confirming the fact of payment of tuition fees, for example. In that case, if your employer reimburses the costs of completing the course, we will also gladly provide an official contract and invoice upon request from your company.

		<p>Evgenia Ermilova School Course Completion Certificate</p>

Evgenia Ermilova School Course Completion Certificate

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